- Use of this website/app is subject to these terms of service ('Terms') and all applicable laws, either of which may be revised or varied at any time without notice. By accessing or using the Site, You accept and agree to be bound by these Terms, as varied from time to time. Therefore, you are required to review this terms and conditions.
- The service providers are special group of doctors and experts who are licensed to practice medicine.
- All health information mentioned in the site/app are not personalized medical advices and patients should take medical advices directly from their doctors. You acknowledge and agree that we are a service platform not a medical or healthcare providers, but the doctor is the provider, and all your medical queries should be directed to the Doctor providing the service. The service provider is responsible for any particular medical advice provided by him during a consultation, however we warrant that all healthcare providers are licensed, experienced and highly qualified professionals.
The services offered by the Site/app are not suitable for serious medical conditions, medical emergencies or matters requiring immediate or urgent treatment ('Emergencies'). If You require treatment for a serious medical condition or require immediate or urgent medical assistance, You should contact emergency services or attend the nearest hospital emergency center.
The services offered by the website/app are not intended to be a substitute for the ongoing involvement of your usual GP or other medical professional responsible for managing your day-to-day health needs. Patients are encouraged to schedule follow-up visits with their primary physician and record their GP's details under 'My Profile' to help facilitate proper holistic management of their conditions.
Like ordinary GP services, the effectiveness of any Doctor's service is dependent on complete and truthful answers to all questions asked to assess the appropriateness of treatments and medications for Patients. The Patient (or guardian of a Patient, if applicable) understands and agrees that they must:
- Answer all questions asked.
- Be accurate and fulsome in their answers.
- Report any new (since last consultation with their usual GP) symptoms or worsening of condition.
- You acknowledge and agree that the doctor or the health expert providing the service are responsible for the health care of the Patient or any medical, or healthcare advice (including prescriptions which might be available in future) and we as a company are not liable for that.
- We are not liable and you indemnify Us (and our related bodies corporate and their respective officers, employees and consultants) against any and all claims, actions, proceedings, losses, liabilities and expenses (including legal expenses on a full indemnity basis) in any way arising from or relating to:
- Any treatment, advice or information provided during a Consultation and any other services provided by a Doctor to a Patient (including any medications prescribed by a Doctor and the quality or suitability of any services provided by a Doctor), or any personal injury, mishap or death or any alleged or actual malpractice or negligence by any Doctor; which shall be covered by the doctor’s insurance.
- Your failure to answer any questions truthfully, or to provide any information requested by Us or a Doctor; and your use of the services offered by the Site.
The Site offers a convenient service for Patients with straightforward, nonemergency medical needs.
By accessing the Site or the app, You acknowledge and agree that:
- You are at least 18 years of age and (one of) the Patient or their legal guardian, parent or health attorney.
- You will provide proof of identity with a driver's license or other legal document if requested to do so.
- The Patient is not suffering dangerous or unusual symptoms (e.g. suddenly decreased or blurred vision, severe headaches, inexplicable pain or nausea, fainting spells, bleeding, numbness or tingling/pins and needles in any part of the body).
- The need for the Consultation is unconnected with an accident or injury, regardless of cause.
- The Patient does not suffer from multiple or serious chronic conditions and does not currently take multiple prescribed medications.
- The Patient does not require a prescription of any 'schedule (narcotic) medicines.
- You have completed the 'Patient General Medical Questions' completely and truthfully, and have not omitted information which is or may be relevant to the Patient’s care.
- We are not responsible for medical advice or the manner in which a Consultation is conducted and provided by the Doctor during the Consultation or otherwise.
- If either You or the Patient are hard of hearing, during the Consultation You/they will have a hearing assistance device.
- You are responsible personally for the costs of the Consultation in accordance with these Terms.
- If, during a Consultation, a Doctor considers that the Patient needs further treatment or examination, You will seek that as soon as possible (and that neither We, nor the Doctor, are responsible for following-up Patients).
- Any medication or other treatment prescribed by a Doctor will be solely for the Patient's own personal use and You will not allow any other person to take medication that has been prescribed to a Patient.
- You will not share Your Site username and password with anyone and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that a third party does not gain access to Your account.
- We reserve the right to cancel Your registration on the Site without notice at Our sole discretion.
- If a Doctor prescribes medication or a treatment for a Patient, and the Patient suffers from any noticeable side-effects, You will notify Us so that the Doctor can fulfill their duty of after-care.
- Payment options are displayed on the Site/App.
- You agree to pay all fees or charges in accordance with these Terms and the fees and charges in effect at the time a fee or charge is due and payable.
- All fees and charges associated with a Consultation are pre-authorized on the credit card provided and You agree that We are authorized to immediately process the payment before Your Consultation.
- You will never be charged more than the pre-authorized amount. The Consultation fee will be refunded if the Doctor cancels the appointment twice, or if there is a technological failure that prevents an effective Consultation between Patient and Doctor. Technological failure is assessed and logged by the Doctor. The Consultation fee is generally not refundable if You, as a Patient, cancel an appointment within less than eight hours prior to it’s starting or fail to attend at the scheduled time.
- We cannot guarantee that a Doctor assigned to take a Consultation will be available at the appointed time. However, if a Doctor is unavailable, we will endeavour to source an alternate and will notify you as soon as possible in the event that your Consultation is cancelled.
- We respect a Patient's right to nominate their preference of Doctor (e.g. the gender of their Doctor or the ability to speak a language other than English) and if possible We will accommodate preferences, but whether or not We can do so is dictated by availability.
- A Doctor has full discretion to:
- Interrupt or re-schedule a Consultation.
- Discontinue a Consultation or
- Decline to treat You / the Patient.
- For any reason they consider reasonable. Complex medical problems may not be suitable for Telehealth Consultation as they may require a longer time than 30 minutes. In most cases it will not be an option to extend your Consultation beyond the initial 30 minutes, however arrangements can be made with the Doctor to book a further appointment at another time if appropriate.
At this stage doctors are not going to offer treatments, all they can offer is initial/second medical advice and counselling.
- How a Consultation is conducted is up to the Doctor and may include video, audio, messages or a combination of these things. Email and fax may not be used for Consultations.
- You will, however, be required to provide an email address or fax number in case the Doctor wishes to send paperwork to You or the Patient after the Consultation. Please note that no communications between a Doctor and a Patient is authorized outside of the allocated Consultation time without the prior written approval of the Doctor.
The Site/app and its entire contents, features and functionality (including but not limited to all information, compilation, organization and display of the content, as well as all software, images, logos, video and audio), are the exclusive property of Us and are protected by laws relating to intellectual property. These Terms permit you to use the Site for your personal, non-commercial use only. You must not access or use for any commercial purposes any part of the Site or any services or materials available through the Site.
- If you have a concern please raise it with us first as we may be able to resolve the issue.
- Any complaints should be submitted via our contact us Enquiry Form, emailed to